
2021  Foam Magazine, Glyphs-The image + text issue, Series Amorphous Writings featured with 18 images and text written by Nina Strand. 


2022 My essay These are gestures small scenes at hand part of the essay collection Trace-writings about the photography (with 10 other artists) edited by Hanna Weselius, Publisher S&S

2021  MACK First Book Award, shortlisted, UK

2018 Museé magazine, Women Crush Wednesday, Interviewed by Jing Zhao

2018 Wallpaper magazine, Graduate Directory, Selected artist, UK

Foam Magazine Talent 2013

Eeva Hannula

Born in 1983, Helsinki, Finland

Lives and works in Helsinki, Finland


Tel. +358505449026



2018-2020 Critical Academy, Creative writing, Helsinki, FI

2017 Aalto University, School of Art and Design, Photography, Master of Arts, Helsinki, FI

2012 Arts Academy/Turku University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor of Arts, Turku, FI

2010 University of Helsinki, Bachelor of Arts, BA degree in Aesthetics, Helsinki, FI

Solo Exhibitions

2024 In the Fugue of Gestures, Forms Arrange Themselves as They Wish, Photographic Gallery Hippolyte, Helsinki, FI

2024 Punto di Rottura, Breaking point with Daniele Marzorati, curated by Marcella Manni,  Gallery Metronom, Modena, IT

2023 The image was wide and it swayed towards, Kuva oli avara ja se keinui kohti  with Ville Kumpulainen,  Forum Box gallery, Helsinki, FI

2021 There is a possibility  in this room to think of the edge and falling over it -Tässä huoneessa on mahdollisuus ajatella reunaa ja sen yli putoamista, Gallery Ratamo Jyväskylä,  FI

2021  These are gestures small scenes at hand, Nämä ovat eleitä pieniä kohtauksia käsillä, Gallery Rajatila, Tampere, FI

2018 Amorphous Writings, Gallery Huuto, Helsinki, FI

2016 The Choreography of Uncertainty, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, DE

2015 Not Above The Whisper, Together with Susanne Wellm, Sous Les Etoiles gallery, New York, USA

2013 The Structure of Uncertainty, Gallery Å, Turku, FI

Group Exhibitions

2022  Athens Photo Festival, These are gestures small scenes at hand, Benaki Museum, Pireos 138, Athens, GR

2021 Photobook week Aarhus, Curated Photo book exhibition, Curated  by Verónica Losantos, With Amorphous Writings book. Aarhus, DK.

2021 Econtros da imagem photography festival, curated book exhibition, With Amorphous Writings book, finalist for the photobook award, Braga, PR

2021 Del resto i costumi cambieranno molto, After all, the customs will change a lot, Together with Annabel Elgar and Niccolò Morgan Gandolfi, Gallery Metronom, IT

2020 Nordic Tales, Together with Borghild Rudfjord Unneland, Yvonne Swahn, Olöf Einarsdóttir and Vibeke Nørgaard Rønsbo, Vänersborgs Art Hall, Curated by Kajsa Frostensson, Vänersborg, Sweden, SE

2020 Absurd dialogues, text works together with Noora Sandgren, Ostrobothnian Photography Centre (POVA), Lapua, FI

2020 Le Book Club, Zines of the Zone, curated book exhibition With my photo/poetry book Amorphous Writings, Fotogalleriet, Oslo, NO

2019 Nordik Kunst Nu, Together with Borghild Rudfjord Unneland, Yvonne Swahn, Olöf Einarsdóttir and Vibeke Nørgaard Rønsbo, Sydslesvigs art association, Flensburg, DE

2019 Athens photo festival, curated book exhibition, With my photo/poetry book Amorphous Writings, Benaki Museum, Athens, GR

2017 Storage, Gallery Lapinlahti, Helsinki. FI

2016 The Farther I Remember, Together with Robert Cracknell, Carolle Bénitah and Susanne Wellm. Sous Les Etoiles gallery, New York, USA

2016 Virus, Gallery Lapinlahti, Helsinki, FI

2016 A flying kiss for paper cells, pixel bones and a big fat origami, collective installation, text in a space and body diary on TitanPad platform. (Albertinkatu 6 b). Together with Aura Saarikoski, Tinja Ruusuvuori, and Liina Kuittinen, Curated by Maria Savela, Kuvan Kevät, Helsinki, FI

2016 Art on Paper, Sous Les Etoiles gallery, New York, USA

2015 Art Miami, Sous Les Etoiles gallery, New York/Miami, USA

2014 In Between, Gallery Metronom, Modena, IT

2014 Paris Photo, Gallery Taik Persons. Paris, FR

2014 Viennafair, Gallery Taik Persons, Wien, AT

2014 Unseen, presented by Gallery Metronom from Modena (Italy), Amsterdam, NL

2014 Chart Art Fair, Gallery Taik Persons, Copenhagen, DK

2014 Spotlight - 5 years of Talent, (Foam) Felix&Foam, Amsterdam, NL

2014 Spotlight - 5 years of Talent, (Foam) Photography festival, Les Rencontres d'Arles, FR

2014 Cyclone (Audiovisual installation) video together with Hertta Kiiski and Tiina Palmu, LÁ Art Museum, Hveragerði, IS

2014 Foam Magazines Talents exhibition, State Museum and Exhibition Centre for Photography Rosphoto, St. Petersburg, RUS

2013 Summer School, Vory 40 year, The Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, FI

2013 I´m 12, Gallery Huuto, Helsinki, FI

2013 At the End of the Rainbow, Gallery Taik, Fellehus Nordic Embassies, Berlin, DE

2012 Paris Photo, Gallery Taik Paris, FR

2012 Ereignis, with Note collective, Social Photo Fest, Piombino, IT

2012 I´m not writing any story, Photographic Centre Peri, Turku, FI

2011 What else was there, Gallery U, Helsinki, FI

2011 What else was there, Photographic Centre Peri, Turku, FI

Publications and articles

2022 My essay: These are gestures small scenes at hand part of the Trace-essay collection, Edited by Hanna Weselius, Publisher S&S, FI

2021  Foam Magazine, (Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam), featured portfolio Amorphous Writings 18 images and text written by Nina Strand.

2021 Göteborgs-Posten, Review of the exhibition Nordic Tales (Den Nordiska sårbarheten ställs ut i Vänersborg) by Sara Arvidsson, SE

2019 Tuli&savu ( Finnish culture magazine) Review of my book Amorphous Writings, by Riikka Simpura

2019 Amorphous Writings Photo/Poetry book, (In English) Self-published, edition 200, FI

2019 Niin&Näin magazine (Finnish philosophy magazine) featured photographer, FI

2018 Wallpaper magazine, Graduate Directory, Selected artist, UK

2018 Higgs-magazine, featured photographer, UK

2017 Vision Magazine, Featured photographer, CN

2016 Be Magazine, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, On the work of Eeva Hannula, Unstable Images, by Andreas Prinzing, DE

2016 Fini Magazine, Eeva Hannula Y Las Trampas De La Percepción, by Juan Manuel Ramirez, Mexico

2015 Blow Photo, Featured photographer, IE

2015: Monthly Photography, South-Korean contemporary photography magazine, Interview and portfolio, KOR

2014 Helsinki School 20 years, Vol 5, Hatje Cantz, DE

2014 Fat -Magazine, Finnish Art Today, The New Breed— Post-Instagram Photographers, FI

2014 Hohe Luft Magazine, (German philosophy magazine) fotoessay "Das Unheimliche ist nichts neues oder fremdes, sondern etwas dem seelenleben von alters her vertrautes", by Christina Geyer, DE

2013 A Book of Lies, Vory, Aalto Photo books, FI

2013 Foam magazine, International Photography magazine, Talent issue, selected artist, NL

Web Articles/interview

 2022 Discarded Magazine, Review  of my book Amorphous Writings by Laura Chen

2017 Museé magazine, Women Crush Wednesday, Interviewed by Jing Zhao

Awards/shortlist/ Honorable mentions

2022, OD photo prize, shortlisted ( These are gestures small scenes at hand), UK

2021, Photobook award, Econtros da imagem photography festival, Honorable mention for the book Amorphous Writings, PR

2021, MACK First Book Award, shortlisted,  UK

2013, Foam Talent, NL


2015 Prix Pictet, The global award in photography and sustainability

2015 Art Proof Grant Finland


2023 Kone Foundation, Working grant

2022 The Finnish Cultural Foundation, working grant

2021 Arts Council of Finland

2020 Arts Council of Finland, Working grant

2019 Arts Council of Finland, Working grant

2018 Arts Council of Finland

2015 Finnish Cultural Foundation, Uusimaa regional Fund, Working grant

2013 Frame, Travel Grant

2013 Arts Council of Finland

Works in collections

Private collections, FR, FI, CH

Amorphous Writings book, MACK First Book Award collection, UK


Künstlerhaus Bethanien (KB)15.03.2015-15.09.2015, Berlin, DE


2016 Images of Joy, Lux Light Art festival, Image Projection on Helsinki´s cathedral´s façade, FI

2016 Juror in International Image Festival (FINI) ( Alternative techniques category) and Workshop titled: Experimental approach to Photographic process at Autonomous Hidalgo State University (UAEH), Mexico

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