Of all the compositions of time, I ended up in my own inner cave, watching reflections—shells of reality that I cannot control, raining down from everywhere. Today, I think of various images, internal and external, and those just beginning to form. How they take up space, expanding amidst breaths and fragmented attention. The humming spindles of perception wear the body down like water wears down a stone.


In the Fugue of Gestures Forms Arrange Themselves as They Wish

7th June to 30th June 2024
Photographic Gallery Hippolyte, Helsinki


An installation image from the exhibition In the Fugue of Gestures Forms Arrange Themselves as They Wish at Photographic Gallery Hippolyte, 7.6-30.06.2024.

Work: The Stretch of Writing Extinguished the Darkness in Me, 2024,  pigment prints, wax crayon.

An installation image from the exhibition In the Fugue of Gestures Forms Arrange Themselves as They Wish at Photographic Gallery Hippolyte, 7.6-30.06.2024.

Punto di rottura (Breaking Point) a bi-personal exhibition curated by Marcella Manni, featuring some of the latest artworks by artists Eeva Hannula and Daniele Marzorati.

May 14 2024-July 2024, Gallery Metronom, Modena, Italy


Article about the exhibition, by Enrico Turchi, Exibart, Italian art magazine

Available (in Italian) from this link: https://www.exibart.com/arte-contemporanea/da-figura-a-immagine-una-doppia-personale-alla-metronom-di-modena/

Joint exhibition The image was wide and it swayed towards with Ville Kumpulainen was on view 

11.8-3.9.2023 at the Forum Box gallery Helsinki 


Eeva Hannula and Ville Kumpulainen‘s first joint exhibition The image was wide and it swayed towards  navigates in thoughts and emotions between the borders of photographs, eruptions, reconstructions, and poetic gestures. The exhibited works are photo-based collages, sculptures, and textual works made physically and digitally using different materials.

My series These are gestures small scenes at hand shortlisted for OD photo prize 2022 https://opendoors.gallery/od-photo-prize-2022-winner-announced

Athens photo festival

These are gestures small scenes at hand part of the Athens Photo Festival 8.6.-24.7.2022
Benaki Museum, Pireos 138 Athens

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